
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bradley's Choice

Despite a report to contrary, Michael Bradley may not make his commitment to a program today.

But then again, he might.

Confused? Well, it appears that while the 6-foot-10 power forward was ready to announce his decision today, he's had a change of heart.

"I was going to, but I don't know anymore," he said by phone this evening. "I might wait about a week."

Bradley, who has whittled down his choices to UConn, Drake and Virginia Commonwealth (with the first two seemingly in the lead), said he simply "wasn't 100-percent" with his decision quite yet.

Bradley, an excellent student who'd like to major in pharmacy, said that all three schools have pharmacy programs. His decision will simply come down to which school feels right.

And apparently, that decision may not come until tomorrow. Or next week. Or tonight.

Stay tuned.


  1. think it might be a confidence thing w/. this kid and weather or not he feels comfortable on the big stage

    Hope he comes to Storrs

  2. This kid realizes that a pharmacy degree takes SIX years, right???

  3. I think we sometimes forget these are 17, 18-year-old kids making decisions that could have a huge impact on the rest of their lives. They have to say no to and disappoint, in some cases, some of the best-known college coaches in America.

    Let's let the kid make his decision and hope he makes the best choice for himself.

  4. I'm in my first year of pharmacy school at Drake (so I'm a junior) and let me tell you, getting a PharmD is no picnic. Getting a PharmD at a state school, while playing bball would be crazy-hard. I think the best chance for success would be at a smaller school where there are more people willing to help you out. I don't know about the Virginia school, but around 1/10 of Drake students are Pharmacy majors, so there's a huge community to rally behind at Drake.
